Year 4
Weathering Erosion Soils
Fossils Landscape Changes Man Made Changes

Year 5
Formation of the Solar System Identifying Planets Orbits
The Sun and Energy

Year 6
What Lies Below Volcanic Eruptions Earthquakes
Tsunamis Doughts and Flooding Rains Managing Disasters Scientifically

Year 7
Laboratory Techniques Resources Water
Oil and Gas

Year 8
Why Study Rocks Rock Cycle Identifying Common Rock Types
Rocks and Minerals as Resources Aboriginal Persperctive

Year 9
Continental Drift and Plate Tectonic Theory Earthquakes and Volcanoes GIC and Planetary Differentiation
Can Humans Move The Earth

Year 10
Global Systems Carbon Cycle The Greenhouse Effect
Climate Change Sea Ice and Permafrost Ocean Currents

Last modified: Monday, 11 December 2023, 6:59 AM