Topic outline
This document provides important information on the rock cycle, for teachers.
This presentation covers each of the major rocks types and their features. A great introduction and/or review tool for classes.
This activity asks students to consider how rocks are relevant to their lives.
Students are asked to consider scenarios across the entire rock cycle.
This document provides a background on weathering, for teachers.
In this activity students simulate physical weathering by freezing.
Student examine frost heave using a simple simulated landscape.
In this homework activity students examine the expansion of water during freezing.
Students examine the role thermal expansion plays on physical weathering, using simple equipment.
Students explore the concept of oxidation as a form of chemical weathering.
In this experiment students examine the role that water and salt play in the rate of weathering of materials.
Students explore chemical weathering via acid rain by creating carbonic acid.
Students examine the impact of a dilute acid on a soft rock like limestone or chalk.
In this homework activity students examine the impact of a dilute acid on a range of rocks.
Students examine photographs of gravestones and monuments to determine the rocks best suited to this purpose and most resistant to weathering.
By examining a series of photographs and drawing from their own experience students explore the role of biological agents in the weathering of rocks.