Topic outline
A list of places that rocks might be obtained for teaching kits.
A simple rock classification activity to start students thinking about how rocks may be categorised.The teacher notes also include a demonstration to allow discussion on how the three rock types form.
A simple dichotomous key to assist with the classification of rocks.
Recipes to create your very own replica rocks. Good for schools with very few rock samples and to assist students with their understanding of rock formation.
Students consider a number of pebbles collected to work out the answers to a series of statements.
Activities to distinguish metamorphic rocks from igneous ones, to examine differences between metamorphic rocks and their parents (protoliths) and to consider the temperatures and pressures involved in metamorphism.
Important background information for teachers.
Student identify a series of photographs of sedimentary rocks using a dichotomous key.
Students research the terms intrusive and extrusive, mafic and felsic and then use these to classify a series of photographs of igneous rocks.
Students consider what metamorphism is.